Religious Studies
Religious Studies is taught once a week to all pupils at High March. In Junior House the lessons are taken by the form teacher whilst at Upper School they are taught by a specialist teacher.
Religious Education introduces challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be a global citizen. Our world is enriched by a wide and profound diversity of cultures and beliefs and Religious Education helps to nurture informed and resilient responses to any questions the children may face.
In R.S. pupils discover and explore a range of religions and cultures. The girls learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting others who may share a different view.
We celebrate many religious festivals with the children and we invite parents and visitors to share their own religious experiences throughout the year. Some examples include: Holi, Easter, Ramadan and Eid, Chinese New Year and Diwali to name a few. The lessons can include story telling, Drama, Music and Art as pupils are asked to consider all aspects of a religion from religious texts to food and clothing, customs and beliefs. ICT is also an important strand to Religious Studies as the girls in Key Stage 2 take advantage of working collaboratively to create research projects.