Pupil Leadership
At High March we believe in promoting opportunities for leadership as it develops self-esteem, confidence and character.
We encourage all pupils to take on informal responsibilities in School. This starts as line leaders, classroom monitors or as a buddy for a new pupil initially and these opportunities are shared and rotated within the class.
There are also opportunities for formal responsibilities too. Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 have opportunities to be the class representatives on the Pupil Council or Food Committee and these responsibilities are rotated each term. Our pupil representatives gather ideas from their peers in form time and then meet with staff from the Senior Leadership team including the Head of Lower School, Head of Upper School/Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Bursar termly to share and discuss their ideas for improving our pupils’ experience. We value our ‘pupil voice’ and ensure we listen, consider suggestions carefully and model and encourage negation and compromise helping our representatives develop valuable life skills.
We have a flourishing Eco-Committee, which is led by our Year 6 Eco Prefects and supported by staff mentors at Junior House and Upper School. Pupils in Years 1 to 5 are elected by their peers to be Eco-Committee representatives for the academic year. The committee meets regularly to find ways to encourage the pupils not to waste resources, including electricity and water, and reduce pollution and improve the environment. Community visits are organised to support and investigate sustainable living and our Eco Committee representatives regularly report back in assemblies to the whole School community. We have achieved Silver Eco Status and we are delighted to announce that we have now acquired Green Flag status.