Application for Leave of Absence
This form should be used to apply for leave of absence for your child. This includes medical and educational appointments.
Please note that following changes to the school attendance regulations in 2013 Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This means that for most holidays during term time a child’s absence will be unauthorised. As far as possible holidays should coincide with the School’s generous set annual holidays. We are duty bound to point out to you that taking your child out of school during term time will be disruptive to his/her education and there will undoubtedly be lessons that he/she will miss that he/she will not be able to catch up with on return to school. In addition to the interruption to your child’s academic education, he/she will also, of course, miss out on the invaluable social interaction with friends and the school community as a whole. Work will not be set before the holiday as in our experience the children need the prior teaching and any work undertaken in these circumstances is usually not completed satisfactorily. If a child takes a holiday during term time then the teacher will set any necessary catch up work after the holiday.
Having read the above notes, should it still be necessary to request leave of absence for your child then please complete the form at the following My School Portal link, giving as much advance notice as possible.
Leave Request Form on MSP
If you have any difficulties with the link, please contact the School Office.