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High March School




Our prime aim in Nursery is to create a caring and nurturing environment where the children become confident and happy members of our School community.

Nursery is the first part of the Early Years Foundation Stage and it serves as a basis for all future learning. We firmly believe that children of this age learn best through play and we provide a stimulating environment with a wide range of daily activities both inside and outside the classroom. Nursery children have their own outdoor classroom with sand, water, chalkboard, construction resources and topic related provision.  In addition, there are always plenty of art and craft opportunities on offer.

We have two Nursery classes and these are known as ‘Nursery Wrens’ and ‘Nursery Robins’. Girls join us in the September following their third birthday and they attend five mornings a week from 8:30am to 1pm, to include lunch, with the option to stay for one or a number of afternoons straight away or as the year progresses. If a child stays for the afternoon, pick-up is at 3:30pm. Nursery children also have the option of wraparound care: they can join Up with the Larks (0ur breakfast club) or Early Birds before school starts and After School Care and Late Stay at the end of the school day. Up with the Larks runs from 7.30am until 8am and Early Birds runs from 8am until the start of Nursery at 8:30am; After School Care from 3:30pm until 5:30pm and Late Stay from 5:30pm until 6pm. Both Early Birds and After School Care for Nursery children take place in one of the Nursery classrooms.

The children benefit from specialist teaching in PE, Music and Ballet (an optional extra). In the summer term, Nursery children attend Forest School. Swimming lessons in small groups are also on offer at the High March pool as an extra-curricular activity.

We reserve a limited number of places in Nursery for boys, generally a maximum of six, for one year only.

It is our expectation that girls will continue their preparatory education at High March and they automatically move into Reception after their year in Nursery. The routine of Nursery undoubtedly helps guarantee a smooth transition into Reception.

Our aim, above all, is that each child has a happy and rewarding start to his/her school life.