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High March School


Year One

Year 1

As the girls move from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1, we continue to provide a nurturing atmosphere to ensure that the girls flourish socially, emotionally and academically.

Work is differentiated to suit each girl’s development on the learning journey. As in Reception, the form teacher is supported by a full-time classroom assistant.

In the Autumn Term we consolidate the phonic work of the Early Years and ensure that the blending and segmenting skills the girls are developing allow them to read with increasing accuracy, independence and enjoyment.

Over the year they are introduced to a wide range of texts which provide the inspiration and model for their own writing in areas such as traditional tales or instructions. While we aim to develop increasing accuracy, our main aim is to build confidence in writing.

In Mathematics the work is based on games and practical apparatus, moving from the concrete to the abstract. The aim is not only to give the girls confidence with the four rules of number, but also to equip them with the strategies which provide confidence in problem solving.

Topic work allows for cross – curricular links between Geography, History and Science with units on themes such as The Seaside and Toys. Specialist teaching continues in PE, Swimming, Music, French and ICT; this helps to ensure that Year 1 provides the springboard for confident and successful learning.

From Year 1, girls have the option to take private singing lessons and to learn a musical instrument. Private Speech and Drama lessons are offered in small groups.