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High March School


School News

Coronation Celebrations


Our Coronation celebrations focused on King Charles’s ‘Big Help Out’ initiative. The children at Junior House took part in a carousel of six activities that focused on doing things for others. Our activities included:

Something for our environment – girls made a bird feeder to take home.

Something for our school – girls took part in making a mosaic for the school.

Something for our families – girls made and took home a voucher that could be exchanged by parents for a particular ‘job’.

Something for our community – girls took home a sweet, wrapped in a drawing on which they wrote an affirmation.  We asked families to accompany their daughters and choose somebody in the community to give the little parcel to, in a bid to brighten that person’s day.

Something for the wider world – girls brought in old stationery items from home that were no longer needed.  Girls sharpened the pencils and packed them into sets in pencil cases.  These will be distributed to children who need them in countries further afield.  In all, the girls were able to pack 81 pencil cases!

Something for the girls – Mrs Mackay, a former member of staff, ran a Country Dancing workshop for the girls to enjoy.

The weather was kind to us and we were able to enjoy time with the Upper School girls in the playground after lunch.  It was a happy day which was enjoyed by everybody in our community.  We hope that the girls will remember the day in years to come when they think of the Coronation and the amazing milestone it is in the life of our country.

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