
High March School


School News

An immersive ‘Florence Nightingale Day’


On Friday 26th January, Year 2 took part in a workshop taken by History of the Page. Year 2 have been studying the history surrounding nursing during Victorian times and, in particular, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The girls thoroughly enjoyed helping Miss Nightingale prepare for her trip to Scutari Hospital in Turkey where she was to nurse the wounded soldiers from the Crimean war.

They made lockets, medicine boxes, sashes to ensure the public new they were nurses, candle holders and medals. The filled in forms using ink pens to apply for a job with Miss Nightingale and were even interviewed. In class the girls were able to identify real artefacts from suitcases where they had to work out to whom the luggage might belong.

In the afternoon the girls put their nursing skills to the test when they took part on role play scenarios when they very convincingly assumed the roles of wounded soldiers. At the end of the day Annabelle said, “I wish we could do Florence day all over again!”

A fabulous day was enjoyed by all.

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