
High March School


School News

Exploring the woods at Forest School


Nursery Wrens had a fantastic time at their second Forest School session at Mop End. We started the morning by returning to the forest and we were amazed at how much the woods had changed since our last visit…everything looked so lush and green, and the bluebells and wild flowers were beautiful! The children remembered our Forest School rules and behaved respectfully around the forest, including walking around the campfire area in readiness for next session’s campfire and popcorn!

The children had a wonderful time collecting worms, caterpillars and beetles and using identification sheets to find out exactly which minibeasts were in the woods. We also enjoyed relaxing in the hammocks and building tents. After lunch, we enjoyed some crafts and potion making in the beautiful garden surrounding the area.

We cannot wait to return to Mop End for our last session in June!

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