
High March School


School News

Graphic Design Challenge


During the Spring term, Years 4 to 6 entered the Rotary IT Graphic Design Challenge; the girls prepared their entries – a poster on the topic of protecting the environment – during their computing lessons. There were over one hundred and sixty entries from seven schools and so we were delighted with the following results:

Year 4

Francesca – 1st

Year 5

Olivia B – 3rd

Karman– 4th

Year 6

Gracie – 2nd

Jessica- 3rd

Best of the rest

Charlotte C

The girls and their families were invited to attend a prize giving ceremony at the Chiltern Open Air Museum to receive their prizes, which included a framed certificate and a book token.

Special congratulations must go to Francesca whose first prize resulted in the school being presented with a cheque for £100!  As this coincided with the Big Help Out event linked to the coronation, it was decided to spend the money supplementing various activities across the school, including purchasing pencil cases, litter pickers and items for the bug houses.



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