
High March School


School News

Look out, look out!


At the very end of the first half term of this academic year, Year 3 took a trip to The Look Out Discovery Centre in Bracknell to explore and discover the fantastic science exhibition the centre had to offer.

After a quick snack, the girls were warmly welcomed by the friendly staff and then made their way inside. The girls enjoyed the hands-on activities which included making paper aeroplanes, manipulating a magnetic maze and building a wooden bridge strong enough to stand on! Following lunch, the girls visited the shop and turned their skills to the ‘Build it’ zone, where they could help each other build a house. The Look Out tower was enjoyed by all and the eighty-eight steps to the top gave everyone a nice work-out! The weather held out and so the views of the Bracknell forest could be enjoyed.

A very fun day was had by all, and one girl stated that it was ‘the best trip ever!’.

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