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High March School


School News

Odd Socks Day


Last week, from Monday 13th – Friday 17th November, was Anti-Bullying week. High March always marks this important week and encourages our girls to speak out and stay safe at school and home.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance theme this year was, ‘Make a noise about bullying’ and, in assembly, the girls were encouraged to speak up if they witnessed or experienced any unkindness. If just one person finds courage, then others will follow and together, kindness and friendship will prevail!

Our Wellbeing prefects helped Miss Green, Assistant Head of Mental Health and Well-Being, to deliver this very important message in assembly and they also encouraged all children and staff to wear odd socks on Monday! This was a huge success and the many different socks demonstrated the message that ‘being different is great’.

Well done, to everyone for taking park in Odd Socks Day and helping to spread a very important message!

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