
High March School


School News

A ‘Beany Dreme’ of an Art Exhibition


On the weekend of May 18th and 19th,  High March held its annual Art Exhibition. The school was open to prospective parents, current parents and the local community over the whole weekend, showcasing the artwork of all the pupils in the school from Nursery to Year 6.

At Junior House, the girls surpassed themselves with lovely representations of fish in different media, showing progession throughout the age-range, not forgetting a show-stopping display about Frida Kahlo in the library.

At Upper School, the Year 6 girls had worked really hard to create giant beanbag doughnuts, big enough to sit on! These were displayed accompanied by their own giant doughnut boxes under the brand name ‘Beany Dreme! Many visitors were very surprised to realise that these were not in fact professionally made by a certain world famous doughnut company themselves!

Other sweet treats were in evidence in the form of drawings, clay work and textiles.

The sun shone and all our visitors had a lovely time and declared themselves ready for afternoon tea after such a temptingly delicious artistic display!


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