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High March School


School News

A day at the seaside for Year 1


Girls in Year 1 were treated to a ‘History off the Page’ day where they took part in a number of activities relating to the seaside in Victorian times.  Girls came to school dressed for the occasion and ‘History off the Page’ did not disappoint! 

As always, the girls were able to handle authentic artifacts, including real coins from the period.  They dressed up in Victorian costumes, explored taking photographs with real cameras, performed a Punch and Judy puppet show, made a ‘Hook-a-Duck’ game and served ‘tea’ and ‘cake’ in the tearoom.  They decorated little pill boxes with shells and wrote postcards home (including putting on copies of real stamps from the time).  The afternoon consisted of activities on the pier at the seaside.

What a wonderful way for children to learn!  It was a happy and successful day which was enjoyed by everybody.

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