
High March School


School News

A Dazzling Production of Matilda Jnr


Year 6 dazzled us all with their outstanding production of Matilda Jnr, which showcased their incredible talents, enthusiasm and sheer joy for performing.

From the moment the stage lights came on, it was evident that this was a special theatrical event, filled with memorable moments and exceptional performances. The teamwork among the students was superb, with each cast member playing her part to perfection. The girls’ commitment to learning lines, mastering songs, and executing dance routines was truly impressive and demonstrated a level of professionalism beyond their years.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the backstage crew and technical team, whose hard work behind the scenes ensured everything ran smoothly. The live band added a wonderful musical backdrop, helping to bring the story to life on stage.

A special thank you goes to our musical director, Mr Hayes, for so many magical musical numbers. Finally, we must express our heartfelt appreciation to the amazing Mrs Leigh-Barclay, whose leadership, vision and guidance, not only to the children but to her colleagues, were instrumental in making this production such a resounding success. Congratulations also, of course, to our Year 6 girls – your performances will be remembered for years to come!

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