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High March School


School News

A long tradition of fundraising


High March has a long tradition of community and charity fundraising, dating back to 1948 when Mr and Mrs Anderson designated the NSPCC as the School’s dedicated charity. Since those early days the School community has taken pride in raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for deserving local, national and international charities.

Our fundraising initiatives range from our stunning triennial Summer Ball set in the magnificent lakeside grounds of Hall Barn, to the girls’ House fundraising days for a charity of their choice, often with a connection to children less well off than our own, to the JRSOs efforts to raise money for Tiggywinkles’ hedgehog conservation project.

Over the past year, unfortunately, the pandemic has limited our opportunities to arrange fundraising opportunities. However, we are grateful to Ayla’s mother in Nursery, for example, for giving High March families the opportunity to give to the One Can Trust at Harvest and to our Head Girls, Ayla and Tia, and their mothers, for their fantastic fundraising for Children in Need. We should also thank Alexa and Kate, Captain and Vice-Captain of Thistle House respectively, for their very successful fundraising for Thistle Day last term.

Now that the restrictions are easing and that children are back in School, we look forward to continuing to raise money for deserving charities. Watch this space for Daffodil Day later this week…!

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