
High March School


School News

History, Geography, Adventure and Fun!


Year 5 pupils embarked on an unforgettable residential trip to the Isle of Wight, a journey which combined history, geography, adventure and fun.

Our first major stop was the Mary Rose Exhibition in Portsmouth, where we delved into the fascinating world of Tudor England. Through interactive displays and workshops, we learned about Henry VIII’s formidable navy and the daily lives of sailors on a Tudor ship.

In addition to our historical exploration, we undertook essential geography fieldwork at the Isle of Wight, focusing on coastal formations and processes. A highlight was our visit to The Needles, where the children marvelled at the dramatic chalk stacks and made observations for our studies. They even had the chance to make sand shapes using the island’s famous multi-coloured sands, a unique and creative way to understand sedimentary processes.

Adventure and team spirit were central to our trip. Year 5 participated in physical challenges and a water activity that tested the children’s courage and skills.

Evenings were equally memorable with evening walks to spectacular viewpoints on the island, cardboard fashion design challenges and a movie night. On our final night we gathered around the campfire, singing songs and sharing jokes and laughter while toasting marshmallows before heading back to our retreat to sip hot chocolate.

The trip to the Isle of Wight was more than just a break from the classroom: it was an enriching experience which blended learning with adventure, history with geography and individual growth with team spirit. The children returned home with new knowledge, cherished memories, and a stronger sense of community. The children can look forward to more such trips that broaden their horizons and create lasting bonds next year in Year 6.


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