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High March School


School News

A very successful Shamrock Day!


Friday, 26th May saw the Shamrock House Charity Fundraising Day. Earlier in the week the Year Six Shamrock House prefects gave wonderfully prepared assemblies to both Upper School and Junior House, presenting a detailed look into the work of the two chosen charities, Cancer Research UK and The Teddy Trust Charities.

For the Shamrock House Charity Fundraising Day, the girls led a variety of exciting activities throughout the day; these included a cake sale, treasure hunt, egg and spoon race, guess the number of teddies in the jar, guess the name of the hare and hoopla ring tossing game, the latter proving to be particularly popular with the girls! Fortunately, the weather was very kind to us and the day was a tremendous success raising a hugely impressive total of £530.00 for the two designated charities. One of the parents also very kindly organised a very successful teddy bear collection, with an entire car load of teddies being donated directly to The Teddy Trust!

Well done to all of Shamrock House, with particular thanks going to House Captains, Audrey and Josie, and the Year 6 Shamrock parents for all of their hard work and enthusiasm in organising the day.

Well done, Shamrock House!


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