
High March School


School News

Astrid reports back on the Year 6 trip to France


On 7th May, Year 6 had an early Tuesday morning start at 5.30am to start their journey to France for their last residential trip at High March.

We stayed in Le Château d’Ebblinghem, which is located near St Omer, in the north of France. Some of the visits on the trip included: going to the bakery, where we ate a delicious freshly made pain au chocolate which we all demolished briskly; trying and seeing how chocolate is made at the chocolate factory; holding, petting and milking the adult and baby goats.

In the evening, we would have a pleasurable activity to do before bed, for example working in teams to win quiz night, making an Eiffel Tower with spaghetti and marshmallows or games outside like “passport around the world”.

One of the highlights was on the last night when the organisers of the trip surprised us with ‘Les Escargots’ which were delicious and loved by most of us.

This trip was extremely fun and we all had a fabulous time!

By Astrid, Year 6


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