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High March School


School News

Back in time to 1666


On Friday 27th September, ‘History Off The Page’ visited Year 2 to deliver an exciting day of activities and role play based on the Great Fire of London of 1666.

All the girls arrived at school, dressed in costumes ready to immerse themselves in history. They were told straight away that because they were six and seven years old, it was time they went to work! Off they went to make candles, embroider handkerchiefs, make posies to keep the plague away and to make bread at the bakery. The girls loved making ink to use with a quill pen and they made book marks using leather that they were told had been softened with the contents of their ‘potty’ (!).

Throughout the day, the girls were able to demonstrate their depth of knowledge of the events of 1666 and to find out even more interesting facts. In particular, they were keen to tell  everyone that they knew Samuel Pepys saved his cheese from the fire!


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