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High March School


School News

‘Beyond Wonderland’


The Year 4 girls dazzled their audiences with their enchanting production of ‘Beyond Wonderland’, a contemporary re-imagining of one of Lewis Carroll’s beloved classics.

At the heart of this production are Alicia and Ally, two schoolgirls grappling with real-world challenges. Alicia faces troubles at home, while Ally battles the harsh realities of bullying. Through a magical book and a captivating computer game, our protagonists are transported to ‘Wonderland’, a world both familiar and refreshingly new. As Alicia and Ally navigate this surreal landscape, they soon discover that ‘Wonderland’ was not the perfect escape they had envisioned and, in doing so, they learn valuable lessons about resilience, friendship and the importance of facing one’s problems head-on.

The Year 4 girls certainly rose to the occasion throughout the production process, continually honing their abilities in puppetry, dance, singing and movement. The result was a performance which not only entertained but also showcased the girls’ new-found confidence and resilience. reminding us all of the transformative power of storytelling and the enduring magic of Wonderland.

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