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High March School


School News

Celebrating Harvest Festival at Junior House


On Tuesday, children and staff in Junior House gathered to celebrate the Harvest with two separate services. 

Reverend Roberts joined us at both services and shared a very visual reminder with the children of how very fortunate we all are to live in this country, where we are considered to be amongst the richest nations in the world, in spite of having some families who do not have the basics.  The girls in Years 1 and 2 spoke their poems with confidence and gusto and all the children sang beautifully.  It is remarkable to see just how many words the children have been able to learn and remember in the few short weeks that we have been back in school this term.  Congratulations and praise must go to them on their fantastic performances!

It was wonderful to have so many families join us for the event.  Thanks must go to everyone who brought in what can only be described as a bounty of food  which we were pleased to share with the Thursday lunch club, an organisation which supports the elderly folk in Beaconsfield.  A retiring collection in aid of the NSPCC after the services in Junior House raised a total of £599.70.

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