
High March School


School News

Division 10 Swimming Gala Final


Last Friday, sixteen swimmers, eight from Year four and eight from Year five took part in the Division 10 final swimming gala. The gala took part at St Helens and this gala, beingf a final, was notably more formal, with officials present.

Our girls raced brilliantly and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship, very much representing High March to the best of their ability. Several girls managed to get first place in their heats for individual races: Harriet and Evie in the 25m Backstroke, Amber the 25m Breaststroke, Iris the 25m Butterfly whilst Gabriella, Zoe and Belle all finished first in 25m Front crawl. In the relay teams, both Year 4 and Year 5 secured first place in the Medley and Freestyle relays. Well done to Maia and Naya who stepped in for our Year 5 team and produced some impressive swimming.

Overall, it was another successful gala and the girls did High March proud.  It was our last Division 10 for this year and quite a fitting finish to what has been a successful year of Division 10 competitive galas. Now we are all looking forward to getting the results of this final event.  Go High March!’

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