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High March School


School News

It’s Chri-i-i-stmas!


The Year 1 and 2 Christmas performance took the form of a talent show with acts from an important story taking place in Bethlehem. We were treated to acts from Soul Patrol, The Landlords, Donkee and the Animals, The Crooks, The Wise Guys and Herod and the Hoods. Parents and girls really enjoyed watching the highly amusing video clips featuring the Headmistress, the Bursar, Year 2 staff and one of our Reception teachers. The judges gave their expert opinions and the winner was announced to an enthusiastic rendition of ‘Everybody Sing Along’ from the supergroup, ‘The Yuletiders’.

All the girls thoroughly enjoyed performing, showing confidence and, of course, talent.

Well done, Years 1 and 2, for putting on such a stunning performance.

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