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High March School


School News

Keep walking!


This week saw the High March pupils taking part in Walk to School Week. Many of the pupils walked, scooted, cycled or park and strode to school where they were served healthy breakfast snacks by Ana and Zoe, the Year 2 JRSOs at Junior House and Connie and Katie, the Year 6 JRSOs at Upper School. Connie embraced her role, to the point of walking the 7.5km from her house to School on Friday morning, whilst Olivia in Year 6 and Daisy in Year 4 ran the 10km from their home to School.  Despite the exertion, both Olivia and Daisy arrived looking as ‘fresh as a daisy’!

Well done to everyone who took part in Walk to School Week.  Keep up the good work and let’s all do what we can to help the environment!

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