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High March School


School News

Number Day fun at Junior House


We had a wonderful day at Junior House celebrating all things Mathematical in aid of the NSPCC!  Girls donned their number themed mufti and arrived for school set for a morning of Maths.  It is always amazing to see how creative children can be with finding ways to include numbers on their outfits! 

Reception children worked together during the morning doing a Number Scavenger Hunt and making Number Blocks.  Children in Years 1 and 2 enjoyed a morning of Maths where they worked on a circuit of four different activities including Code Breaking, Tesselation, Shopping (Using Money) and a Unicorn Tea Party!  It was a wonderful opportunity for children to experience Mathematics in the widest sense and to see how integral it is to every part of our lives.  The children also enjoyed being able to go to other classrooms and learn with other teachers.

Everyone had a lot of fun!

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