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High March School


School News

Scarborough Fair


The past week saw the annual ‘Singing Picture’ competition for Year Four girls in which every girl has to learn the nominated song and perform it as a solo in front of the Headmistress and the Director of Music.

The set piece this year was the first verse of the traditional English ballad, ‘Scarborough Fair’, which is based on the story of a man who instructs a messenger to tell his former love to perform a series of impossible tasks, such as making a shirt without a seam and any needlework and then washing it in a dry, empty well! All girls performed with musical awareness and maturity, rising to the challenging breath control and rhythmical demands which the song presented. As always, it was very difficult for the judges to decide on the winners, but Jasmine and Giaan were commended, Katharine and Ayla were highly commended and the winner was Genie.

Well done to all girls in Year Four.

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