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High March School


School News

Success at the Youth Speaks competition


“On Wednesday 5th March, we took part in the Youth Speaks competition at St Mary’s School, Gerrards Cross, which was judged by members of the Rotary Club. The annual Youth Speaks competition is designed to empower children to present, argue, reason and debate in a public forum showcasing their presentation and public speaking skills. Children are free to choose their own topic but they must adhere to a given structure.

Our speech was about artificial intelligence (AI) and in the weeks before the competition, we put a lot of work into researching, writing and rehearsing it. We worked hard and sacrificed lots of our break times to meet together. But it was all definitely worth it because, when the time came for the competition, we were buzzing with excitement. We were first on the stage to present our speech, which made us nervous, but once we were up there, the nerves disappeared and the words flowed out of our mouths. We came second overall, receiving a certificate for the ‘Highly Commended Team’. We were overjoyed and very proud of ourselves and left the event with big smiles on our faces. It was an amazing experience, which we will never forget.”


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