The show must go on!
Year 6 returned to School last week and the girls settled into the new way of doing things very quickly indeed. They were thrilled to be back in the company of their friends once again and to have face to face lessons with their teachers after such a long time at home. They were especially pleased to re-start rehearsals for their end of year production, ‘Hairspray’.
Annabel H, a Year 6 pupil said, “Our teachers did a great job of organising our remote learning. We could find our work easily and we had live lessons where we could talk to the teachers. Although we enjoyed our live lessons and remote learning, it is brilliant to be back in school with our friends.” Poppy, another Year 6 pupil added, “We are having all our usual lessons and some of them, including our Drama lessons, will take place outside!”
Mrs Sarah Campbell, Head of Drama, said, “We did not want to cancel our production of “Hairspray” as the performance is always one of the highlights of the year for Year 6. The girls will be rehearsing in their small groups and each group will be recorded performing on stage and then edited together! This is a real, live example of “The Show Must Go On!”
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