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High March School


School News

Year 2 head to Whipsnade Zoo


As part of their science topic on Living Things, Year 2 headed to Whipsnade Zoo for the day. Fortunately, they managed to dodge the rain showers! After a smooth journey and some wallaby spotting on the way into the zoo, the girls attended a fantastic life-cycle workshop and also visited the butterfly enclosure.

Once lunch was over, the girls went to see the lemurs enjoying their lunch, whilst learning some interesting facts on how they use those beautiful stripy tails. In the afternoon, the sun came out and so did the penguins, much to everyone’s enjoyment. Other highlights of the day included a family of otters playing, flamingos, some eagle eyes spotting a red panda asleep at the top of the tree, not forgetting Susan the thirty-five year old tarantula!

Many thanks to the parent helpers who accompanied the trip and well done to the girls for their exemplary behaviour throughout the day.

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