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High March School


School News

Year 2 host a ‘Writers’ Café’


At the very end of term, Year 2 hosted a ‘Writers’ café’ where they were able to showcase their talents as poets and non-fiction writers to their parents.

The girls had been working hard to write poems based on the weather in a variety of poetic styles and they presented their work in Poetry Anthologies complete with covers stenciled by the girls themselves. The girls were clearly very proud of their endeavours! The poems were illustrated with some beautiful artwork, but it was their creativity with words which impressed the parents as they heard their children read their poems aloud with great expression and fluency. Non-fiction booklets about animals were carefully researched using a variety of sources such as books and the Internet and parents were treated to a quiz to see if they had listened well…!

It was a lovely afternoon and, as a grand finale, pupils sang to their parents to finish off what has been a very happy and successful year.

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