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High March School


School News

Year 2 visit Watford Synagogue


On Tuesday afternoon Year 2 visited Watford Synagogue.   

They were met by Mr Fisher who welcomed us and escorted us into the Synagogue.   He gave a wonderful talk and showed us all the things the class has been learning about in their Religious Studies topic.  The girls were thrilled to be able to try on kippahs (the little hats), the tallit (the prayer shawl) and the tefillin (the little boxes containing scrolls that are worn on the arm and head).  They looked at the prayer books which were written in Hebrew and English and the special silver yad (a pointer used for reading the scrolls).  

 There was great excitement and a big ‘ooooh’ when Mr Fisher opened the Ark and showed the girls the beautiful Torah scrolls decked in their mantels with silver breast plates and bells.  The oldest scroll was over 300 years old! A highlight was when the girls were allowed to try and blow the shofar (a ram’s horn).  It was very tricky to do!

Year 2 had a super visit and many thanks to Mr Fisher and the Watford Synagogue for their kind hospitality.

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