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High March School


School News

Year 6 become code-breakers for the day


Year 6 had a cracking day yesterday when they assumed new identities as code-breakers at Bletchley Park. Their mathematics, linguistic, and teamwork skills were all put to the test as they deciphered several encrypted messages designed to uncover a traitor at the Park. They were also thrilled to be able to handle a real ‘Enigma machine’ (the very same one used by Benedict Cumberbatch in the film about Bletchley, ‘The Imitation Game’).

A tour of the park from our 1940s tweed-jacketed guide, Ralph, helped the girls to paint a picture of what life would have been like for Bletchley Park staff during the war. This was particularly interesting for the girls in our group whose great-grandmother had actually worked at Bletchley during WWII.

We also spent some time exploring the simple huts where the code-breakers worked, day and night, to extract the information needed to help us win the war. The girls were surprised by the cramped, dark conditions, but inspired by seeing and hearing the stories of the everyday heroes who inhabited Bletchley Park in the 1940s.

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