Year 6 Pupils Step Back in Time at the British Schools Museum
Last week, Year 6 pupils embarked on an unforgettable journey to the British Schools Museum for an immersive Victorian school day. Swapping their usual uniforms for Victorian-style pinafores aprons, the girls were transported back to the 19th century to experience a day in the life of a Victorian schoolchild.
The day began with lessons in the ‘Three Rs’ — Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic — taught in an authentically strict Victorian manner. Pupils practised their handwriting on slates, ensuring each letter was perfectly formed. Discipline was stern, with the teacher demonstrating Victorian punishments, including the dreaded dunce hat and the cane (don’t worry, it was just pretend!).
In addition to academic lessons, pupils participated in a drill-style PE session, marching and exercising with military precision. They also visited the headmaster’s house, exploring everyday household objects to gain an understanding of how Victorians lived. Gas lamps, flat irons, and washboards fascinated the children, making them appreciate modern conveniences all the more.
This hands-on history lesson was both educational and entertaining, bringing the past to life in a way that textbooks never could. As the pupils returned to their modern-day classroom, there was a shared sense of relief — and a new appreciation for today’s school rules!
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